The Answers To Vernal's Most Commonly Asked Mouse Questions


Did you know that there are more mice than there are humans in the world? Studies estimate there are somewhere around 20 billion mice that live on planet Earth. That’s 12.5 billion more mice than there are humans. All of this is to say; mice are everywhere. If you are not careful, they could share your home with you this winter. To help you better understand these pests and how to keep them out of your home in Vernal, here are the answers to the most commonly asked mouse questions.

Are Mice Common Pests?

Mice are one of the most common home-invading pests around the world. In fact, they are the number one home-invading rodent. This is mainly due to their small size and ability to squeeze through incredibly small cracks, holes, and openings. Studies show that a mouse only needs an opening as wide and tall as a nickel to squeeze its way into a home.

Are Mice Good Climbers?

Mice are nimble creatures with high dexterity and strong paws. A determined mouse is capable of jumping a foot into the air and able to climb upwards of 13” up a smooth vertical wall without falling. Some mice will climb trees and jump from tree branches onto the exterior of a home and get indoors through higher up cracks and openings.

Can Mice See In The Dark?

Many creatures have fantastic night vision; mice are not one of them. Along with other rodents, mice have poor vision, especially at night. For this reason, they will stick near the walls and use their whiskers to feel their way around. 

What Attracts Mice Into A Home?

Mice need three things to survive, food, water, and shelter. If your home provides them with these three basic necessities, they will want to invade. Mice also seek shelter inside homes in large numbers when it is hot, cold, or stormy outside.

Do Mice Ever Leave A Home On Their Own?

Mice rarely leave a home after they invade. They might wander outside to search for food or water when necessary, but the warmth and protection the walls of your home provide is unmatched to the shelter they will be able to find outdoors.

How Can I Keep Mice Out Of My Home?

There are several things you can do to deter and prevent mice. We recommend starting with a thorough cleaning of your home. To make sure mice have nothing to eat if they come indoors, store leftover food inside airtight containers, clean out your pet’s food bowl after they finish eating, and make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids—limit mice’s access to water by fixing leaks, repairing broken gutters, and using a dehumidifier. Finally, eliminate entry points by filling in gaps and cracks in your home’s foundation using a caulking gun and some steel wool, covering vents with heavy deputy metal screens, and making sure all of your window/door screens are in good working condition.

Does One Mouse Mean An Infestation?

It takes two mice to breed. If you see a single mouse in your home, it does not directly mean your home is infested. It does, however, suggest that there are many more mice hiding just out of your view. Mice typically do not venture into homes during the day, and if they do so, it is usually because their living space is getting cramped, and available food sources are running low inside their nest.

What Can I Do About A Mouse Infestation?

If mice have invaded your home, you have two options. With smaller infestations of only a couple of rodents, traps baited with peanut butter might solve your problem. If your infestation is larger, or traps do not prove effective within a week, your only other option is to get a professional involved. At J&M Pest Control, we have the equipment and training needed to quickly and effectively remove rodents like mice out of your home. Give us a call today at J&M Pest Control or reach out to us through our website for details about our rodent control or to schedule an inspection for your Vernal home.