How Worried Should I Be About Elm Seed Bugs Around My Vernal Property?

elm seed bug

There is a good chance you have never heard of elm seed bugs. They were only discovered here in America eight years ago. Originating in Europe, these pests have found their way from Idaho and now they are in Utah. Over the past few years, the population of elm seed bugs has grown exponentially, making them now a serious pest threat. What are they threatening, and is there a chance they will invade your home? We are here to help you find out.

What Are Elm Seed Bugs?

Elm seed bugs are agriculture pests that primarily feed on elm seed. Go figure. Fortunately, these pests pose no real threat to either plants or people. The biggest problem elm seed bugs cause is with their presence inside homes during summer and fall. Just like their close cousin the stink bug, elm seed bugs don’t like to stay outdoors during inclement weather. However, unlike stink bugs who invade homes to avoid the cold outdoors, elm seed bugs invade to avoid the dry heat.

As for appearance, elm seed bugs look very similar to stink bugs due to their shield-shaped bodies. Their color, however, is a bit different. Their bodies are rusty-red and black, just behind their head is an upside-down black triangle set within two rusty red triangles, and their wings are covered in noticeable white dots mixed in with rusty-red and black dots.

How To Prevent Elm Seed Bugs

Over time all homes suffer general wear and tear. Cracks and gaps form in their exteriors, window and door screens rip and tear, weather stripping wears out, and door sweeps become damaged. As this happens, more and more entry points will be made available to pests looking to invade, pests like elm seed bugs. To seal your home against invading pests, first, start by filling in cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior using a caulking gun. After this, repair or replace any window and door screens around your home that have been ripped or torn. Next, do the same for weather stripping and door sweeps making sure they are all in good working order. Finally, do your best to keep windows and doors closed as much as possible.

In addition to sealing off your home, here are a few other prevention tips that work for elm seed bugs.

  • Keep exterior lights turned off at night or invest in insect-resistant bulbs.

  • Eliminate moisture problems in and around your home by fixing leaks, repairing broken gutters, and using a dehumidifier as necessary.

  • Make sure your home is properly ventilated.

  • Check items that could be hiding elm seed bugs before bringing them indoors with you.

  • Reduce clutter around your yard and make sure firewood piles are at least 20 feet from your home’s exterior.

That Best Way To Remove And Prevent Elm Seed Bugs

At the end of the day, there is no better way to prevent elm seed bugs, or pests in general, than with professional pest control services. At J&M Pest Control, we understand pests and have worked hard to find the absolute best methods to keep them out of homes. If you are looking to get elm seed bugs out of your Vernal home or trying to find a long term solution to ensure they don’t invade this summer or fall, we have solutions for you.

Reach out to one of our friendly service representatives today to discuss your options for pest control and to find the best solution to fit your home’s needs. Our team is standing by and ready to help.