Vernal’s Step-By-Step Spider Prevention


There is one family in Vernal that is creepy and crawly, a family that you really do not want to invite into your home – the spider family. Here in Vernal, Utah, we’ve got more than our fair share of spider family members. While most of them are pretty harmless, you could probably still do without seeing them in your home.

Common Spider Species In Utah

We've got a lot of different spiders here in Utah. Here are some of the ones you're most likely to find in your home:

  • Wolf Spiders – These spiders look as scary as their moniker. They’re large – sometimes over an inch long – and light to dark gray, with long, hairy legs and extendable fangs. Despite their fierce name and appearance, this spider is only dangerous to insects and small vertebrates. These are wandering spiders that stalk and ambush their prey rather than weaving webs. You might find them crawling across your floor at night or hanging out in dark hiding places like underneath low furniture or inside of shoes. If you’re bitten, it’s usually nothing to worry about. You might experience local pain or swelling, but bites are not typically serious.

  • Hobo Spiders – These spiders look a lot like a brown version of the wolf spider with a wider abdomen and long webspinners. These European transplants have expanded their range since being introduced to the United States and are common throughout northern Utah. They weave funnel-shaped webs inside holes and cracks to create traps for prey. Like the wolf spider, the hobo spider’s bites also aren’t usually cause for concern.

  • Yellow Sac Spiders – Common across all of Utah, these long-legged, yellow spiders like to weave silken sacs in the corners of your house, between the ceiling and walls. These spiders are more aggressive than your typical house spiders when threatened, but even so, their bite is not considered serious. Mild necrosis can occur, but it is uncommon and not as severe as necrosis caused by brown recluses.

  • Black Widow Spiders – These are the most venomous spiders in Utah – and North America. They have long legs, large abdomens, and shiny, black skin. In addition, the females sport the famous cherry-red hourglass on their abdomens. These spiders pack a dangerous punch. If you’re bitten, it’s important to seek medical help right away. Symptoms of black widow bites can include severe pain, muscle cramps, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, and shock.

Spider Prevention Tips

Unlike most other household pests, there is nothing inside your home that could directly attract a spider. Instead, spiders usually start showing up when their prey begins to infest your house. Roaches, flies, silverfish, ants, and many other pests all provide food for spiders, thus attracting them to your home. The best way to prevent spiders is to prevent other infestations through methods such as:

  • Storing food and garbage in tightly covered containers to suppress their attractive smells

  • Clearing clutter to reduce pest hiding spots

  • Addressing moisture issues to avoid attracting ants, termites, and roaches

  • Reducing entry points by repairing damage like cracks in your home’s structure and covering ventilation holes with screens

Other spider prevention tips include:

  • Sweeping  away webs wherever you see them

  • Storing wood properly – off the ground and at least six inches from your home’s exterior

  • Trimming bushes and tree limbs away from your home

  • Checking screens & door sweeps for gaps

Ousting The Arachnids

Unfortunately, sometimes no number of measures will work to keep spiders out of your home. These pests are particularly hard to get rid of because certain measures like poisons don’t work, since spiders don’t eat them, and they’re also not attracted to insect traps. So if you find yourself seeing more eight-legged creepers than you’d prefer, get in touch with us here at J&M Pest Control. Our certified technicians have the experience and the tools to chase the spiders out of your house and keep them out for good! Give us a call at J&M Pest Control or visit our contact page to schedule your appointment today.