What You Need To Know About Hornets In Vernal, UT

stinging insect

There is something about the name “hornet” that seems scarier than bee or wasp. It doesn’t help that “murder hornets” were found in Washington state just last year.  It isn’t hard to assume that all hornets are dangerous and life-threatening pests with a name like that. To help you identify these painful stingers around your Vernal property and understand the risks they pose to human health, here is what you need to know.

A Basic Description Of Hornets

Hornets, known by the scientific name Vespa, are omnivorous invertebrates that prefer living together inside large hives. The average hornet in our area is 1.25” long, black, and has white markings on its face and body. These pests construct their nests by chewing up wood into a papery substance called pulp and molding it. You may find hornet nests hanging from trees, clung to the side of buildings, and underground in enclosed spaces.

A single queen dominates every hornet nest. She is the one who starts initial construction and is entirely responsible for reproduction and establishing roles for new members. When not reproducing, queens help in gathering food and performing other essential community duties.

Are Hornets In Vernal Dangerous?

Hornets in our area are just as dangerous as other species of wasps, such as yellowjackets, paper wasps, and mud daubers. They are, however, less aggressive than many of their cousins that live nearby. Unlike yellowjackets which tend to be more aggressive and will on occasion go out of their way to sting someone, hornets are relatively docile insects. They will, however, sting if directly threatened or if their nest is disturbed.

A sting from a hornet is not dangerous unless you are allergic to insect venom. If this is the case for you, you already know you need to be extra cautious around these pests. For individuals who don’t have allergies to venom, a sting involves minor symptoms and a fair amount of pain around a localized area.

Some Strategies To Prevent Hornets

Is it a yearly occurrence that wasp nests show up on your property? There could be something in your yard drawing these pests in. To help you keep stinging insects like hornets from settling down around your home, here are some basic prevention strategies to try.

  • Consider removing flowers and other budding plants from your yard and garden.

  • If you have fruit trees, pick up fruit and berries that drop into your yard.

  • Thoroughly clean up after outdoor gatherings.

  • When eating outdoors, keep a lid on food and covers on drink containers.

  • Keep your grass well-trimmed.

  • Fill in holes around your yard.

  • Avoid feeding your pets outdoors.

  • Turn off exterior lights at night.

  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior and around window/door frames using a caulking gun.

  • Repair damage to window/door screens.

  • Make sure all of your exterior doors have door sweeps.

Despite your best efforts, you still may find yourself dealing with hornets and their nests on your property. 

What To Do About Hornet Nests On Your Vernal Property

Hornet nests are not always massive, and they take a long time to become large. If you are vigilant and regularly check your property for hives, you should have no trouble handling them on your own. We recommend going out during daylight hours and using a long broom or extendable stick to knock down nests that are smaller than a golfball. For anything larger than this, get a professional involved.

Partner With J&M Pest Control For Hornet Removal

At J&M Pest Control, we offer emergency services to remove hornet nests fast. We know how to get rid of these pests without risking personal injury and would be happy to use our experience to get these stinging insects' nests out of your yard. Reach out to us today to learn more about how the experts at J&M Pest Control can help with all of your hornet control needs. We have the tools and experience to get the job done right! Call us now!