Crickets & Grasshoppers

Crickets & Grasshoppers   Photo
Crickets & Grasshoppers


Both crickets and grasshoppers are closely related and are part of the order Orthoptera (straight wings). Both are known for having large, powerful back legs that they use to jump great heights. Crickets and grasshoppers are medium to large-sized insects, and though they do have similarities in appearance, there are some easy ways to tell these two apart. The biggest difference between the two is that grasshoppers are larger than crickets, many times twice the size. A second difference is that grasshoppers have short antennae, while crickets have long antennae — as long or longer than their body. Their diet is also slightly different. Grasshoppers mainly feed on young plants while crickets have a more varied diet, and while they prefer to feed on decaying plant matter, they also feed on insects and decaying animal matter.

Though crickets and grasshoppers have many differences, they also have a lot of similarities, including their ability to take over our homes and yards where they can become a nuisance. When these insects decide to invade our yards and gardens in large numbers, they can damage young plants by feeding on them. Grasshoppers usually stay outside and are more of garden pests but do occasionally find their way indoors. In contrast, crickets, because of their smaller size, move more easily and frequently into our homes. Neither crickets nor grasshoppers pose serious dangers to people. Inside of our homes, crickets especially, cause damage by chewing holes in things like rugs furniture, and other fabric materials.

Keep grasshoppers and crickets out of your yard and home with the help of the professionals at J&M Pest Control and the following prevention tips. Maintain your yard and gardens, keeping shrubbery pruned back, the grass cut shorts, and weeds pulled. Remove debris like wood, leaves, and brush from your yard where grasshoppers and crickets can hide. Keep these pests out of your home by sealing cracks in the foundation, using door sweeps, and keeping basement or garage doors closed whenever possible. Inside, reduce hiding spots by keeping storage areas like basements and crawl spaces free of clutter. Eliminate excess moisture that these pests find attractive using dehumidifiers, keeping gutters clear, and fixing leaky pipes.