Stinging Insects

Stinging Insects   Photo
Stinging Insects


Like people, the warm weather of spring and summer causes stinging insects to become active. The more contact you have with stinging insects, the greater the chance you'll be stung. The possibility of a sting increases if stinging insects build their nest in your yard or your home. Species of stinging insects that home and business owners in our area have to contend with include social species wasps, hornets, yellow jackets; and solitary species mud daubers and digger wasps.

Stinging insects are beneficial to us and the environment. They help to pollinate crops and other plants, and those that are predators, help by hunting, feeding on, and controlling populations of nuisance insects. However, they are only helpful when living out in nature and not in our yards near our families. When they decide to place their nests near or on our homes, they become dangerous and unwanted pests. The biggest problem when it comes to stinging insects is they have venom strong enough to cause allergic reactions that vary from mild to life-threatening. Other problems stinging insects cause include being difficult and dangerous to eliminate. Some may cause structural damage, and of course, you and your family cannot enjoy your yard.

Keep stinging insects out of your yard and home with the help of the professionals at J&M Pest Control and the following prevention tips. Many species of stinging insects build their nest in trees, shrubs, and overgrown landscaping. To stop them from buildings a nest too close to your home’s exterior keep shrubbery trimmed back, and tree branches cut back from the roof and outside walls. Eliminate entry points by repairing torn screens, repairing cracks in walls and the foundation, and placing caps on chimneys and vents. Dump out rainwater collected in buckets and other containers and keep gutters free of debris that may allow water to collect. If there is a stinging insect nest on your property, avoid it until a professional can come to your property and remove the nest.

If you need home pest control or commercial pest control services, call J&M Pest Control today to begin working together to maintain a home or business that is free of stinging insects and other common pests!