The Key To Keeping Elm Seed Bugs Away From Your Vernal Home

elm seed bug

Elm seed bugs are a prevalent nuisance pest that you deal with around your home in Vernal. To be rid of these nasty pests, you need to call our professional team. Due to how small these bugs are, they can give you a lot of grief when you’re trying to eradicate them alone.

You can count on our pest control services to efficiently get the job done right so you can enjoy your home in Vernal again. Never again let your Vernal home become overrun by pests when the simple solution is to make a call to us at J&M Pest Control.

What Is An Elm Seed Bug?

So what is an elm seed bug, you might ask? These bugs are classified as a “true bug” from the Lygaeidae family. The adult elm seed bugs can emit a powerful odor that can be acquainted with the smell of bitter almonds. This is a protective measure for several reasons, as smell can negatively affect many predators. 

In some cases, this can have a similar scent to cyanide which is deadly. This is more so a protective measure against humans. Elm seed bugs will go through a few different stages in their lives, and each new stage is met by shedding their skin. One last thing to note about the elm seed bug is that they can live a long time.

How Long Do Elm Seed Bugs Live?

Elm seed bugs can live for two to five years, depending on the environmental conditions. Here are a couple of ways you can shorten that life expectancy and keep them out of your home. This includes the following:

  • Applying diatomaceous earth around your home.

  • Vacuuming your furniture and carpets often.

  • Use commercial sticky trap tape on your windows and near your entry points.

  • Install weather-stripping around your doors.

  • Repair any cracks around your foundation.

By following these five steps, you can ensure you prepare your home against elm seed bugs. On top of that, these steps are chemical-free to keep your family and pets safe.

Are Elm Seed Bugs Harmful?

Elm seed bugs are not harmful to humans as they are an invasive nuisance. Elm seed bugs can’t exactly bite you, and there are no reported cases of them carrying any diseases. Here are some fun facts about elm seed bugs you probably didn’t know about:

  • Elm seed bugs feed on tree seeds, as their name suggests.

  • Elm seed bugs typically live together in clumps.

  • While they love to live in trees, they will latch onto the wood in your home.

  • Elm seed bugs are primarily dark red, black, or brown.

When you want to eliminate these invasive pests, give our team a call. At J&M Pest Control, we can provide you with quality pest control that will restore your home into a safe, pest-free location you can enjoy. 

What To Do If You Spot Elm Seed Bugs 

When you find elm seed bugs or other pests around your home, then give our team at J&M Pest Control a call. We take pride in our top-of-the-line pest control solutions and strive to ensure you are always satisfied with our work. At J&M Pest Control, you’ll find that we are the best Vernal pest control company around. We are ready to jump into action to provide you with high-quality service that fits your needs!

We use eco-friendly products to ensure that your family is safe because it’s how we would treat our own family. We are proud of our community and that we are a locally-owned and operated option in Vernal. Give us a call at J&M Pest Control, where our service is guaranteed, our inspections are free, and you are our top priority!