The Trick To Keeping Wasps Out Of Your Vernal Yard

stinging insects

When spending time around your Vernal property, there is one pest that can make enjoying the good weather almost impossible. Wasps are a species that many people fear, with good reason. Because of their venomous stings, they pose significant health risks, even to those without bee sting allergies.

Here in Vernal, we deal with four common wasp species: paper wasps, tarantula hawks, hornets, and yellowjackets. It's important to note that some species of wasp are more aggressive and dangerous than others. We're here to help you identify common area wasps, wasp behaviors, and wasp prevention so that you can protect yourself and your family members from these stinging insects.

Common Wasp Species

The wasps you’ll likely find in your Vernal yard include:

  • Paper wasps. There are multiple different paper wasps in the area, but the Western paper wasp is most common. They are usually dark brown with orange stripes, and they have slender bodies.

  • Tarantula hawk. This species can reach up to two inches long and has a black body with orange wings. They get their name because they often hunt and eat tarantulas.

  • Hornets. Hornets in the area usually have black bodies with either yellow or white bands. Hornets are best identified by their extremely thin, almost string-like waists.

  • Yellowjackets. The western Yellowjacket is the most common yellowjacket species in the area. They have long, silky bodies and yellow and black stripes.

What Attracts Wasps To Your Yard?

Since wasps can sting and even inject venom multiple times depending on the species, they can be quite dangerous. Some species will attack in large groups meaning that even people who aren’t allergic can end up in the hospital.

Because of these dangers, understanding how to deter wasps is vital. The first step in preventing wasps is to understand what attracts them to your property in the first place. Here are the main reasons why wasps find a property appealing:

  • Having an excess of flowering plants around your yard.

  • Bright colors, and even wearing floral clothing, can also attract wasps.

  • They are attracted to sweet-smelling foods, drinks, and perfumes.

  • They also tend to congregate around water sources such as hot tubs, pools, or ponds.

  • Lots of overgrown trees, shrubs, and bushes provide safe harborage areas for wasps.

Steps You Can Take To Keep Wasps Away

Now that you know the common reasons why wasps are attracted to a yard, you can take some simple steps to make your yard less appealing. By focusing on a few simple areas of your property, you can decrease the risk that wasps will nest around your home or business.

Here are some of the best ways to eliminate factors that attract wasps:

  • Keep bushes, shrubs, and trees trimmed regularly as these are common areas where wasps build nests.

  • Remove any standing water on your property.

  • Make sure that water features are treated with the correct chemicals and have lids if at all possible.

  • Avoid overplanting flowering vegetation.

Get The Best In Wasp Prevention And Assistance 

Because of the risks associated with wasps, it's important to keep them from becoming a problem. If you need help with wasp prevention or nest removal for your Vernal home, don’t try to tackle the problem on your own. Instead, contact the experts at J&M Pest Control. In our professional pest control services, we can handle wasps on your property safely and effectively. Get started today with pest control for your Vernal home!